Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cleanliness at workplace!

Personal hygiene in the workplace is just as important as personal hygiene at home or anywhere else. Being clean is a big part of an individual in a workplace. Just as much as a person needs to pay attention to their clothes, behavior etc at workplace, they should also make sure that they are clean in their workplace. 
To stay clean one must do the following:
  • shower daily/regularly
  • Wash teeth daily/ chew gum or mints
  • Avoid eating smelly food- or if you must, wash teeth afterwards.
  • wash your hands regularly
  • Wear deodorant
  • Smell good- perfume.. not too strong though
  • If exercising at work-plan ahead.. shower, take change of clothes, deodorant, etc
  • Also, keep your desk area and other working place clean!

Remember “dress for success” doesn’t just require you to just put on a nice suit and show up at work! You must pay attention to everything else as well!