Thursday, February 27, 2014

First Impressions

Here is a quick and informative video that may help you girls with dressing up for your interview. I know everyone has a different style when it comes to fashion and dressing up, so it may be difficult to pick out an outfit for an interview sometimes. 

A few things that are important during any interview are dressing well, being genuine and authentic, having a good handshake, good eye contact, going to the interview prepared that means researching about the company ahead of time, making sure you are listening to the interviewer fully before answering all the questions, and of course having a good resume that is free of typos and accurate. First impressions are everything! So, while deciding what to wear make sure you dress conservatively, in neutral colors and nothing too flashy. Remember, confidence is always in style!! Hope this is helpful and good luck to those of you that have interviews coming up! 

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